It’s a sunny Sunday in the mountains and while I enjoy a lovely 4 day weekend I also have time to reflect on my post for this week.
In my previous post I touched on the impact that we as adults can have on children’s behaviour and I think that I will explore that a little with you today.
As carers, or educators of children we have a duty to those in our care to ensure that they feel safe and secure. This is an extremely important aspect of our role and in my opinion, we must build relationships which promote what John Bowlby describes as Attachment. Without relationships where trust has been established how can we ensure children feel safe and secure?
I am thinking now how we as adults react to challenging behaviour, depending on our relationship with the child.
Have we taken the time to build relationships?
Are we the adult who becomes defensive and imparts punitive consequences when faced with challenging behaviour?, or
Are we the adult who takes time to listen to the child and attempts to understand why they might be behaving in a challenging way?
The answer to these questions is pivotal in the impact we as adults can have on the challenging behaviour and therefore on the outcomes.
What do you think?.......................